Michael Hopewell is all about Security.
He started programming when he was 11, inspired by BBC microcomputer given to him as a present. A couple of years later, was a researcher in High Performance Storage Systems, at 18 worked in Access Control and automating systems with VBA, Masters in Computer Science and since 2009 involved in even more Information Security as a Security Consultant specialising in Payment Card Security.
Meanwhile, since 2010 has built a property portfolio and passionate about Financial Security.
He has helped many people in business and personally wants to help many more.
Speaker and Consultant in Financial Security and Computer Security, he can help you and your business stay safe and robust in this fast past environment
Financial Security
Whether you are an employed, self-employed, business owner, entrepreneur, coach, freelancer, speaker or individual looking to break into business, there is one thing you should learn.
You are in control of your financial security. No matter what age you are, get financially educated and get Financial Security.
Follow our blogs to learn more.

Business Security
Thinking of starting a business? Already have a business, but just do not know where to begin with regards to security? Perhaps you already tried, but just do not know if you really that secure?
Do not worry, more businesses still do not have a good security posture. Start now and develop an framework that works for your business, to protect your customer data, to protect your business data, to protect jobs, to protect you and your reputation.
Follow our blogs to learn more.