5G What Can We Learn

5G What Can We Learn

We live in a word that is dependent on tech.  I’m going to generalise , but before Covid, when I look around in restaurants, bars or social gatherings many of us have our heads down (alas I am a culprit too). Heads down unhappy? No, heads down seeing what exciting video, news or popup WhatsApp/Facebook/Text message would appear.

I’m not one to look at dancing cat videos, but many of us are streaming music and full movies on Netflix or Amazon Prime.  The point being is that we are demanding devices with larger capacity and fundamentally faster download speeds.

At the time of writing, working remotely is the norm.  Businesses who were reluctant on their employees working from home suddenly need their employees to have decent Internet speeds. People can tether on their mobile phones at 4G speeds, which may sometimes exceed their home broadband landline speeds.

We want more!

There is always a lot of buzz announcing 5G in a country. Why not, 5G could reach up to 100x faster than 4G. This delivers what we need an interconnected society. 5G is the thing right?

Great, when does it arrive?

Implementing any opportunity has its risks and 5G is no exception. 5G will require deployment in a country’s mobile networks. News from the BBC suggest that Huawei failed to tackle security flaws in its equipment.  We were already aware that there were vulnerabilities, but it suggests even recently that the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) saw no evidence of improvement.

It states “The report acknowledges that while our software transformation process is in its infancy, we have made some progress in improving our software engineering capabilities”

What does that mean?  That is so concerning for such a huge company.

I do not know the extent of its “infancy”, but as an assessor/auditor and putting my software developer hat on, it’s not that hard to implement security considerations in the software development process. Traditional stages may include Requirements stage, Design stage, Coding stage and Testing stage that can include security considerations. For example, what security requirements do we need? How do we design with threat modelling? How are we coding with secure coding guidelines and training and testing securely with vulnerability scanners and penetration testing methodologies?

Even with agile methods, you can still implement security considerations and checkpoints.

Document what you do and do what you document.

The report also highlighted “poor coding practices” and a “range of evidence” employees were not following Huawei’s own practices and guidelines – putting my assessor hat on, it’s a fail.

So what can we learn from this?

There are several things we can take away as lessons learned. First, ensure whenever you are engaging with a third party that you really do your due diligence. It’s not just about whether they have business insurance and appropriate size of company, but also have you considered how that third company handles information (perhaps your information), how they will design your software, how will they implement technology etc.

Secondly, whether you are outsourcing your software development to a third party or have in-house development, ensure that there is a formalised development process in place with suitable considerations for developing software and checkpoints to ensure software is not rushed out the door with known vulnerabilities. Document what you do and do what you document.

Third, whenever you have your systems tested from a vulnerability or penetration test perspective, remember that application testing is separate from network testing. Be clear in your scope what is to be tested.  As it is harder to break through network defences, attackers are leveraging vulnerabilities in software to get in.

Hope that helps and remember…

“Security is not a compromise”.

Nulla pretium leo ac congue

Nulla pretium leo ac congue

Nulla pretium leo ac congue molestie. Aliquam ac velit laoreet, consectetur elit pulvinar, elementum lorem. Duis sed venenatis eros. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam tempus velit sit amet elit egestas elementum. Aenean ac justo in quam pretium venenatis congue sed lorem. Nulla vel ullamcorper nisl, quis semper metus. Mauris placerat eros eleifend dictum pulvinar. Cras euismod volutpat felis, vel ultrices nisl rhoncus at.

Sed laoreet ullamcorper porta. Integer eu auctor orci, non laoreet velit. Morbi feugiat quis nulla fringilla tincidunt. Aenean aliquam ante erat, ut tempor ipsum pellentesque sed. Nunc et fringilla elit. Nam rhoncus odio ut lectus mollis accumsan. Etiam ligula est, tincidunt aliquet tincidunt at, venenatis quis nisl. Donec imperdiet pharetra ex et volutpat. Nullam velit nisi, pulvinar ut porta at, pharetra in velit.

Pellentesque cursus dolor quis

Pellentesque cursus dolor quis

Nullam faucibus mi at quam mattis egestas. Ut dapibus lectus at risus rhoncus finibus. Pellentesque sem risus, suscipit iaculis ex in, rutrum sodales enim. Vivamus non mauris tortor. Maecenas tellus nisl, pretium sed ligula a, rhoncus sollicitudin mauris. Suspendisse potenti. In lobortis nisi sit amet purus suscipit, id euismod turpis scelerisque. Donec lacinia tortor ligula, at iaculis tellus consectetur in.

Morbi eleifend auctor facilisis. Pellentesque cursus dolor quis placerat cursus. Integer maximus eget nulla at varius. Maecenas hendrerit viverra lorem tincidunt condimentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nulla odio, scelerisque sit amet condimentum a, consectetur in tellus. Integer congue nisi non efficitur varius. Donec ac arcu vel nisl luctus dignissim eget at tellus. Morbi maximus mollis justo nec finibus. Fusce at diam non justo porta accumsan vitae eu enim. Sed eget sem nec dolor finibus congue et vitae nulla. Maecenas iaculis elit vel erat interdum, in maximus augue feugiat. Praesent vel ornare sapien.

Lorem ipsum dolor

Lorem ipsum dolor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

Sed laoreet ullamcorper

Sed laoreet ullamcorper

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec viverra fringilla tortor, ut dictum nunc ullamcorper et. Nulla vulputate massa urna, vitae rhoncus leo luctus vitae. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aenean id mattis tortor. Proin ac massa gravida, iaculis neque et, finibus nibh. Nam eu viverra ante. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus molestie, leo vulputate porta pellentesque, nulla tellus cursus neque, vel consequat tortor metus sed magna.

Nulla pretium leo ac congue molestie. Aliquam ac velit laoreet, consectetur elit pulvinar, elementum lorem. Duis sed venenatis eros. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam tempus velit sit amet elit egestas elementum. Aenean ac justo in quam pretium venenatis congue sed lorem. Nulla vel ullamcorper nisl, quis semper metus. Mauris placerat eros eleifend dictum pulvinar. Cras euismod volutpat felis, vel ultrices nisl rhoncus at.

Sed laoreet ullamcorper porta. Integer eu auctor orci, non laoreet velit. Morbi feugiat quis nulla fringilla tincidunt. Aenean aliquam ante erat, ut tempor ipsum pellentesque sed. Nunc et fringilla elit. Nam rhoncus odio ut lectus mollis accumsan. Etiam ligula est, tincidunt aliquet tincidunt at, venenatis quis nisl. Donec imperdiet pharetra ex et volutpat. Nullam velit nisi, pulvinar ut porta at, pharetra in velit.